Monday, January 30, 2012

SEO for Contractors

Many of the building works in urban areas are well aware of the importance of their websites to bring in new customers. When your site comes up on top search engines like Google and Yahoo, they reach many more customers than the Yellow Pages. In large metropolitan areas, getting on top of Google and Yahoo depends on smart, competent Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It begins with understanding how search engines work.

It is a daily miracle that you can type into a search engine such as Google "plumber San Diego," which will provide you with page after page of likely water sites that you can click on. How did this happen? How Google knows that plumbing sites that operate in San Diego? And as a long list of sites occur in a split second?

It starts with the search engines read every web page on the Internet long before you ever asked a plumber. Search engines do not read version of the website that you and I look. Read a second version of each page titled "Source Code". These pages are written by the programmer in a computer readable language, usually HTML. Here's how you can see the source code version of web pages. Choose a web page that has a lot of text on it. Right-click in which no text or images. Then click on "View Source Code" or similar terms.

If you select a text heavy site, you should see a block of ordinary English text - same text that appears in the human version, but not as nicely formatted. There will also be symbols and words that can not be recognized. These are the HTML or other computer language. Some of these words and symbols show the colors and shapes it to show visitors. Some of these search engines to tell more about the content of the page. For example, search engines can get an idea of ​​what the photo so that the programmer who wrote the HTML image tag can have "owner plumbing contracting company." This gives the engine more information about what's on the page.

To return to the usual human view of a page, click the X on the tab at the top of the source page.

Search engines read every page on the Internet with programs called "robots", "robot" or "spiders". They are all the same thing. They argue that "crawl" pages. Bots crawl the web day and night, even if they've seen it all before. This is because the webmasters to change pages, delete pages and add pages. Robots will re-read some web pages often, if you have found that sites change frequently. This could be every few days or, in some cases, every day or even several times a day. On the other hand, if the robot found that historically the web page does not change much, they might not get around to reading it again in a few weeks.

In addition to reading the site, the robot makes notes on every page. They note that the words and phrases on each page. Google has compiled so much information about the words and phrases on web pages to know the frequency with which each word occurs in combination with any other word. If I do a search on "electrical work", it might give me electricians websites, even those that do not include the phrase "electrical work." Google would know that an electrician on site electrical work simply because the term "electrical work" is often found on them.

Bots save each web page on the Internet and your comments in the computers that belong to the search engines. These sites are considered to be "indexed" by search engines. Also they are stored or "cached". The reason that Google's search engine can boast of providing searchers with humongous numbers of pages in a split second is that these sites are already in their computers, and has already indexed. Google already knows what the words on each page, and can serve up web pages relevant to search immediately.

It is clear from this description that if you want search engines to consider their investor website relevant to search for "Philadelphia general contractor," it would be desirable that the text with the words "general contractor" and "Philadelphia", along with a Philadelphia address. Plus a lot of related words that search engines already know should be on general contractor sites - such as the "contract" "subcontractors", "oversees the work," "building", "material" and so on. These words and phrases that tell the search engine is likely to come across a page of general contractor in Philadelphia. The most important of these words and phrases, the ones that people most species when looking for your store in your town are the main "search terms" or "keyword".

It will also be useful for ranking performers that has lots of useful articles for visitors to your web site of the contracting, home improvement, and related topics. Links to your website from other websites are also important. The field of Search Engine Optimization has found a number of ways in which entrepreneurs can boost your rankings on search engines so that their sites are potential customers.

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